Module Prestashop

OutiDrop: Manufacturer / Designer / Wholesaler / Dropshipping

Manufacturer / Designer / Wholesaler of power tools, hand tools, chemical technical products


More than 3000 products delivered to your customers on your behalf !!!

From the protective cover to the gas-free soldering station, to the high-pressure induction cleaner, this is a very complete range that we offer to satisfy your industrial, professional and private customers.


Ideally located in the heart of the Logistic Valley, near the main roads, air and river, our semi-automated warehouses allow us an exemplary responsiveness by being able to ship your order the same day.


Consultation of the stock, the automatic importation of your orders, the personalized follow-up of your orders, all in real time, will allow you to refocus on your business.


Strong of our power of manufacturer, a site SAV is entirely dedicated to you to offer a reactivity to any test on all of our products.

Delivery directly to your customers, customizable to the extreme (adhesive to your brand, printed cardboard of your logo, advertisements, etc ...) - Everything is possible!

Agence partenaire prestashop
€450.00 HT
Url de la boutique
Il est nécessaire d'avoir un compte ouvert et valide chez le fournisseur, et d'avoir une boutique Prestashop.

Entrez l'url de votre boutique

Tickets services
We intervene as soon as possible

It is sometimes necessary to intervene in an emergency agency to make changes to your Prestashop store. With the intervention ticket, Ether Creation, Prestashop solution expert, is committed to working on your shop during the day.

Installation and / or modification of a module, Adaptation of a theme, correction of graphic bugs, Graphic creation, Creation of an option or a feature, Training in the use of Prestashop, Etc.