Module Prestashop

Openbravo - Prestashop connector

Connect your OpenBravo with Prestashop (Catalog, Price, Order, Group rule, Tracking, etc.).

For more than 10 years Ether Création has created a complete connector between your ERP and PRESTASHOP.

We support our clients in interfacing your ERP solution and your e-commerce store, but also in the design and creation of your Prestashop store.

The connector between Prestashop and your ERP

Establishing an interface or connector between your ERP and your Prestashop provides greater flexibility and saves time. This allows:

  • To have perfectly up-to-date product sheets based on data managed in the ERP:
    • The product families and sub-families or categories that organize your product offering (allowing you to have a different organization between the ERP and your store)
    • All the information on the product sheet (Characteristics, Weight, Sku, etc.)
    • Images and product sheets from your information system, your EDM, PIM, etc.
    • The rates granted to your customers according to their commercial conditions (however complex they may be)
    • Promotional campaigns
    • Product stocks with action possibilities (if no more stock is withdrawn from sale, if stock is put back for sale, etc.)
  • To synchronize orders from your store to streamline the preparation and rapid shipping of orders while avoiding re-entry errors
  • To synchronize order statuses from the ERP with your store by adapting the messages sent to the customer and the emails according to the cases
  • To provide access to delivery notes and invoices (generated by the ERP) directly from their customer area without using that of Prestashop in order to be in compliance with the law

Our connector is developed in compliance with Prestashop, which allows us to define and control all data synchronization flows, documents, etc. between your ERP and your merchant site. While guaranteeing you a simple evolution for the necessary updates on the ERP or Prestashop side and being able to upgrade the connector subsequently without starting all over again.

https://prestashopday .com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Flux-2.png

A specific module developed in PRESTASHOP

The PRESTASHOP connector <=> ERP can be administered via a specific module which offers advanced configuration and management functions (by the site/ERP manager) of the different exchange flows:

  • The configuration parameters can be finely managed in PRESTASHOP to activate all the synchronization flows to be deployed on your site, product variations (with matching and correspondences), commercial nomenclatures, product packs, customers (third parties), categories (with matching and correspondences), taxes, characteristics (with matching and correspondences), price rules (allowing an addition or reduction of X% in relation to a category, a price range, a brand, etc. .), SEO...
  • plan the execution of different synchronizations and execute them manually on demand if necessary
  • to consult the status of synchronizations carried out (successful, in progress, errors and when)
  • access the details of the logs of each execution whether successful or not

Customization of the execution of sync flows

Data synchronization by the connector is separated into several synchronization flows:

  • Import Prices from ERP
  • Import/export of clients
  • Import of product families
  • Import of products and their contents
  • Inventory import
  • Import order tracking
  • Exporting orders
  • Management of transport costs in real time with several external sources
  • Import documentation, technical sheet
  • Synchronization with GED/PIM/suppliers, etc.
Tickets services
We intervene as soon as possible

It is sometimes necessary to intervene in an emergency agency to make changes to your Prestashop store. With the intervention ticket, Ether Creation, Prestashop solution expert, is committed to working on your shop during the day.

Installation and / or modification of a module, Adaptation of a theme, correction of graphic bugs, Graphic creation, Creation of an option or a feature, Training in the use of Prestashop, Etc.