Module Prestashop

Addons Prestashop Dropshipping - Tigris wholesale

Tigris Wholesale Ltd is a drop-shipper, wholesaler and retailer of musical instruments and toys.

Established in 2006, Tigris Wholesale supplies many hundreds of retailers across Europe and the UK.

Tigris Wholesale Ltd also operates:

Ride On Cars and Tigris Toys

Become a Tigris Wholesale reseller, and choose which of the hundreds of musical instruments, ride on cars and toys you’d like to sell.

✔ In stock, ready to be shipped to your customers across UK and Europe
✔ 100s of budget items, suitable for display in shops and online stores.
✔ Suggest and request new product ranges as a Tigris Wholesale reseller
✔ CE approved and suitable for sale across Europe

Once accepted as a Tigris Wholesale reseller, you’ll have access to the full product range, stock lists, photographs and descriptions.

Agence partenaire prestashop
€250.00 HT
Url de la boutique
Il est nécessaire d'avoir un compte ouvert et valide chez le fournisseur, et d'avoir une boutique Prestashop.

Entrez l'url de votre boutique

Tickets services
We intervene as soon as possible

It is sometimes necessary to intervene in an emergency agency to make changes to your Prestashop store. With the intervention ticket, Ether Creation, Prestashop solution expert, is committed to working on your shop during the day.

Installation and / or modification of a module, Adaptation of a theme, correction of graphic bugs, Graphic creation, Creation of an option or a feature, Training in the use of Prestashop, Etc.