Module Prestashop

Addons Dropshipping - Pixmania Pro

Recover Pixmania Pro products to sell on your website.

This module allows you to automatically import into your shop all the Pixmania Pro products with all their characteristics and then sold in dropshipping.

Dropshipping is a direct delivery service to your end customer. With this system you can sell all of Pixmania Pro products who will directly deliver your end customer.

Pixmania Pro is the first Europe wholesaler for High Tech products. With over 10,000 references: digital cameras, camcorders, printers, scanners, USB drives, MP3 players, mobile phone, Ipod, plasma and LCD, DVD players, laptops, Car, Business Gifts, screenprint and advertising items , custom objects and many more ...

1 year license dropshipping Module - Pixmania Pro

Agence partenaire prestashop
€250.00 HT
Il est nécessaire d'avoir un compte ouvert et valide chez le fournisseur, et d'avoir une boutique Prestashop.

Entrez l'url de votre boutique

Tickets services
We intervene as soon as possible

It is sometimes necessary to intervene in an emergency agency to make changes to your Prestashop store. With the intervention ticket, Ether Creation, Prestashop solution expert, is committed to working on your shop during the day.

Installation and / or modification of a module, Adaptation of a theme, correction of graphic bugs, Graphic creation, Creation of an option or a feature, Training in the use of Prestashop, Etc.