Module Prestashop

CChez vous - complete module with Prestashop

Complete logistics synchronization module with CCchezvous services directly in your Prestashop store

Configuration: Production mode: Production activated = Actual sending, otherwise sending to CCchezvous Dev mode. ID or Reference: Know if you send Cchezvous the digital ID of the Prestashop order, or the reference Seller Name: Information transmitted by Cchezvous Shop Name: Information transmitted by Cchezvous Sending labels by email: Would you like to receive the slip labels by email Label emails: If yes, to which email(s) Subject of the email: If yes, what will be the subject of the email Multi-package: Can a product include several packages (e.g.: A bed shipped in two packages) Multi-package: If yes, choose the corresponding characteristic or ISBN or UPC Relay point: Would you like to offer a collection point on your site? Relay point carrier: If yes, which carrier is in question? Google Map API key: What is the Google Map key (see below to create one) LV1 service: Which carrier(s) are eligible for LV1? LV2 service: Which carrier(s) are eligible for LV2 LV3 service: Which carrier(s) are eligible for LV3? Announcement sending (Complete order): Which order status triggers the complete sending of the order for processing at Cchezvous Announcement cancellation (Complete order): what order status triggers the complete cancellation of the order for processing at Cchezvous Announcement sending (Partial order): What status will be set when you send part of the order to Cchezvous Announcement cancellation (Complete order): what status will be set when you cancel part of the order in Cchezvous Tracking C Chezvous: what status will be set when you send and receive trekking information Processing error with C Chezvous: What status will be set when you have an error with Cchezvous Automatic cancellation: When an order passes into one of the statuses in question, we automatically cancel the order at Cchezvous Token (PROD): Provided by Cchezvous Token (DEV): Provided by Cchezvous Tracking Login (PROD): Provided by Cchezvous Tracking login (DEV): Provided by Cchezvous Tracking password (PROD): provided by Cchezvous Tracking password (DEV): provided by Cchezvous Cron Tracking: Scheduled task to set up to retrieve Cchezvous trekking information Error by email: Enter an email to receive an email in the event of a Cchezvous processing error Export of bulk slips In the order tab of your store, click on “Chez vous,” you will access a page allowing you to mass export your slips The generated PDF file will be filtered based on: - An order status (or not) - A start date - An end date The order of the PDFs may be based on: - Command ID (DESC or ASC) - Order date (DESC or ASC) - Product name (DESC or ASC) - Product reference (DESC or ASC) Shipping management and cancellation from ordering In the order tab of your store, click on “Chez vous,” you will access a block with: - history of exchanges - Vision/edition of shipments - View/edit weights - Vision/edition of the number of packages - Cancellation of an order - Generation of a slip - Vision of order tracking

Agence partenaire prestashop
€500.00 HT

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