Module Prestashop

Change your TVA

Since 1 January 2014 the TVA was amended : let this module to configure your taxes in one click!

  • Change your TVA - Addons Prestashop
  • Change your TVA - Addons Prestashop
  • Change your TVA - Addons Prestashop
  • Change your TVA - Addons Prestashop
  • Change your TVA - Addons Prestashop
  • Change your TVA - Addons Prestashop

Since 1 January 2014 the TVA was amended : let this module to configure your taxes in one click!

This module changes for you TVA rates, their appointment through this module your shop is up to date and without risk and loss of time.

Agence partenaire prestashop
€29.99 HT

Tickets services
We intervene as soon as possible

It is sometimes necessary to intervene in an emergency agency to make changes to your Prestashop store. With the intervention ticket, Ether Creation, Prestashop solution expert, is committed to working on your shop during the day.

Installation and / or modification of a module, Adaptation of a theme, correction of graphic bugs, Graphic creation, Creation of an option or a feature, Training in the use of Prestashop, Etc.