SEO - 301 redirect of disabled or removed products or categories
You have a product you don't sell anymore, you close a cetegory and you don't want to waste the SEO who exist with this page.
This module allow you to do a redirect 301, 404, 302, other URL, parent category.
Merchant Benefits
Each time a product or a category will be disable or delete, you'll be able to assign a redirect (301, 404, 302, other URL, parent category).
You don't need to inspect all your catalog to know which product or category haven't a valid link : the module will tell you. And this whatever the language or the shop (in cas of multi-shop).
You can define rules that permit when a product / category is disabled / deleted a redirect to a page is created, a product category.
When a product / category is reactivated, redirection rules turned off automatically.
No overide of your .HTACCESS, so no knwoledge are needed to use it. And you'll haven't any slow down.
Thanks to a color system, you'll be able to knwow in one second what does and what doesn't work.
All redirection are importable one by one or en masse from a csv file whose example is provided.
- White => redirection is active!
- Green => as possible redirection for disabled or deleted page but the redirection is not active.
- Orange => can Redirection for disabled or deleted page but the redirection is not active and no link is entered for the redirection.
- Grey => redirection is inactive because the page has been reactivated.
- Red => Redirection enabled, but not here! So page 404 usual!
You also have a filtering system according to the state (Dead link, wrong redirect, redirect to do,...) to react quickly.
Thanks to our module no one broken links on your website !
Another more complete version is also available, it allows you to redirect more brands, suppliers, CMS and specific page url!
-Redirect 301, 302, 404, homepage, product URL disabled or deleted
-Redirect 301, 302, 404, homepage, category URL disabled or deleted
-No files to edit
-No need to edit HTACCESS
- Edition mass
- Ability to add pages one by one or en masse via an import csv
- Deactivation of rules if a product / category is reactivated
- Setting up forwarding rule default
-Real time receive for dead links or category who doesn't work
-Noticeable improvement of your SEO
-No visitor will ever leave your website because he came on a 404 error.
-Allow you to add your own redirect rules
-Filtering system to manage your redirect
-Compatible multi-language
-Compatible multi-shop
-Recommandé for 100% of shop who wants to boost the SEO.

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SEO - Optimization of your search pages

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